
我女兒的名字是Ariina Calyn Teribannara 。 她的中文名字是莉娜。 她現在是13週齡

她出生時,她的體重3.44公斤,現在她是6.67公斤。Ariina is mostly a very cheerful girl, especially when she wakes up.  She likes it when it is play time and when she plays with her toys.  Whenever we talk to her, she will make a lot of noise and will imitate faces we make to her and smiles and laughs when we talk to her or make funny faces.  She also likes to listen to music, especially Mozart music or when we sing to her.  She likes it when we take her to the park for a walk or when we go on the car for rides

 She enjoys the company of people.  When we put her to sleep in her cot, she will wake up after half an hour or 1 hour and then start crying, but when she sleeps next to us, she will sleep for 3 or 4 hours without waking up.  She cannot sleep on her own, so every time she wants to sleep, we have to cradle her for about 1 hour.  Sometimes when we lay her in her bed, she will wake up and start crying, so most of the time she sleeps with her mama.

She has become very strong and has a great support of her own head when we hold her.  When she lies on her back, she will try to lift herself up or do little sit-ups and when she is lying on her tummy, she can hold her head up without support.  She also will kick and move her legs around when we put her in standing position.

We enjoy watching her grow and see how fast she learns to do things.  We hope one day you will be able to meet Ariina. 
