
香港理工大學康復治療學系 (Department of Rehabilitation Science, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 的符老師 (Amy Fu) 於 7月 23日率領12名學生來台參訪。他們整個行程很緊湊,五天四夜的行程包含星期一訪問台大、星期二訪問長庚、星期三訪問北榮,令人不禁對他們的體力與效率豎起大拇指。

由於去年 12 月 8 日吳英黛主任曾率領四位老師與八名學生到香港參訪,受到盛情的歡迎與款待。現在他們回訪,我們當然也是卯足了勁回報。上午參觀醫院、中午在杏園用餐、下午參觀系館,並搭車前往校總區參觀保健中心,晚上則由我們的研究生昀萍與忠駿充任地陪, 欣賞亞洲第一高樓的 101 美景。

在杏園用餐時,杏園的果汁竟然是一杯一杯的做,結果足足等了一個鐘頭,所有人才喝到果汁。在等待時,符老師提及他是曾跟隨理工大學第一屆畢業生來台畢業旅行的,巧遇我們 PT 的畢業生也在畢業旅行。沒想到竟然就是柴惠敏老師他們那屆的畢業旅行,真湊巧。符老師還說他要回去找照片,讓我們刊載在電子報上。

當大隊人馬快要殺到保健中心時,校醫林醫師請辛明家、許穎昌與陳俊宏協助製作歡迎的圖片,三位大男生七手八腳的努力了許久。結果有一名患者看不下去,自告奮勇協助畫畫,畫一個笑容可掬的 PT,並為單調的字樣加上彩裝。大功告成後,贏得香港同學的閃光燈不斷。

精彩的鏡頭,請看寫日誌的「960723 香港理工大學來訪」。

爾後,該系系主任 Prof. Chetwyn Chan 並於2007年8月1日來函如下:

On behalf of the HKPC, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the participants, we would like to our express sincere thanks to the hospitality from your university.

From the feedback of the participants, they regard this visiting as a valuable experience as it allowed them to have a glimpse at the development of physiotherapy in one of the biggest Taiwan public hospitals. And they can also point out the difference between Hong Kong and Taiwan in term of the physiotherapy management, which is one of the aims of our tour. Besides, the research projects observation and NTU campus tour were also something that we could not have in Hong Kong.

The weather was unbearably hot; the reception was touchable warm. We extremely appreciate the unconditional efforts from the master students and the student ambassadors on that day. Their fully sweaty shirts would be the undeniable evidence of their generous devotion, which will stay in our mind.

Upon the experience from Taiwan, the participants have been writing the exchange tour report. Once the report is published, we will send you a copy of it.

Besides, we would very much like to thanks Miss Ho for organizing such a memorable tour for us. And we would be warmly welcome you all to visit Hong Kong in the foreseeable future.

Please help me to pass our thanks to the physiotherapy department of NTU, NTUH and the staff and students concerned.